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Uniondale HS
Team Home | Performances | Meet summary | Roster
Coaching staff
   Peter Crdone (Athletic Director)
League meet 5 - boys Conf. 1,3
Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2024   Location: Massapequa HS

(Results for Uniondale only [Click here for full meet results])
Team:  Boys | Girls
Event Group: 
Comparison of all finishers for this meet
100 M Top Boys Spring Track 2024
No. Time Athlete  
1 11.7 h M Jnmary  
2 11.9 h G Jean Baptiste  
100 M Top Boys Spring Track 2023
No. Time Athlete  
1 11.3 h T Saint Louis  
2 11.7 h J Cole  
3 11.8 h R Eccleston  
4 11.9 h S Numa  
110 HH Top Boys Spring Track 2024
No. Time Athlete  
1 17.7 h C Jean Simon  
110 HH Top Boys Spring Track 2023
No. Time Athlete  
1 18.4 h J Smith  
200 M Top Boys Spring Track 2024
No. Time Athlete  
1 24.2 h M Charles  
2 24.7 h M Jnmary  
3 25.0 h G Jean Baptiste  
4 25.1 h J Sylvain  
200 M Top Boys Spring Track 2023
No. Time Athlete  
1 23.6 h T Saint Louis  
2 24.5 h M Charles  
3 24.8 h J Marshall  
400 M Top Boys Spring Track 2024
No. Time Athlete  
No data available!
400 M Top Boys Spring Track 2023
No. Time Athlete  
400 IH Top Boys Spring Track 2024
No. Time Athlete  
No data available!
400 IH Top Boys Spring Track 2023
No. Time Athlete  
1600 M Top Boys Spring Track 2024
No. Time Athlete  
No data available!
1600 M Top Boys Spring Track 2023
No. Time Athlete  
High Jump Top Boys Spring Track 2024
No. Distance Athlete  
No data available!
High Jump Top Boys Spring Track 2023
No. Distance Athlete  
Long Jump Top Boys Spring Track 2024
No. Distance Athlete  
No data available!
Long Jump Top Boys Spring Track 2023
No. Distance Athlete  
Triple Jump Top Boys Spring Track 2024
No. Distance Athlete  
No data available!
Triple Jump Top Boys Spring Track 2023
No. Distance Athlete  
Shot Put Top Boys Spring Track 2024
No. Distance Athlete  
No data available!
Shot Put Top Boys Spring Track 2023
No. Distance Athlete  
Discus Throw Top Boys Spring Track 2024
No. Distance Athlete  
No data available!
Discus Throw Top Boys Spring Track 2023
No. Distance Athlete  
4x100 Meter Relay Top Boys Spring Track 2024
No. Time Athlete  
No data available!
4x100 Meter Relay Top Boys Spring Track 2023
No. Time Athlete  
4x400 Meter Relay Top Boys Spring Track 2024
No. Time Athlete  
No data available!
4x400 Meter Relay Top Boys Spring Track 2023
No. Time Athlete  
4x800 Meter Relay Top Boys Spring Track 2024
No. Time Athlete  
No data available!
4x800 Meter Relay Top Boys Spring Track 2023
No. Time Athlete