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Suffolk Coaches

Saturday, September 29, 2007    Location: Bethpage State Park
Team:  Boys | Girls | Combined
Event Group: 
View by:  Overall  |  State class
Boys Cross Country 2007

Race: JV     Event: 5K XC

Place Time Name Grade School 
State Class: Division 1
1 17:38.8 Joseph Migliore 11 Chaminade  
2 18:24.5 Michael Kiley 11 Chaminade  
3 18:26.7 Alexander Ward 11 Chaminade  
4 18:47.0 Gregory Shank 11 Chaminade  
5 18:56.3 Bernard Moore 11 Chaminade  
6 19:15.9 Desmond McWeeney 11 Chaminade  
7 19:32.1 Garrett Campbell 11 Chaminade  
8 19:39.9 Brian Basso 11 Chaminade  
9 19:44.1 Matthew Bartolotta 11 Chaminade  
10 20:01.3 James Hall 11 St. John The Baptist  
11 20:07.2 Joseph Grieco 11 Chaminade  
12 20:22.0 Richard Meares 11 Chaminade  
13 20:26.8 Chris Wallace 12 Chaminade  
14 20:33.7 Matthew Wimpelberg 12 Chaminade  
15 20:44.9 John Spitz 11 Chaminade  
16 20:55.3 Chris Rooney 11 St. John The Baptist  
17 20:59.7 Stephen Semenick 11 Chaminade  
18 21:08.7 Paul Mezzacappa 11 St. John The Baptist  
19 21:11.3 Ryan McIntyre 11 Chaminade  
20 21:15.3 Michael DuPlessis 11 St. John The Baptist  
21 21:29.0 Jonathan Lobo 11 St. Joseph's by the Sea  
22 21:35.0 Peter Balling 11 St. John The Baptist  
23 21:46.5 Dylan Sullivan 11 Chaminade  
24 21:47.7 Kevin Allen 12 Chaminade  
25 21:57.4 Brendan Tully 11 Chaminade  
26 22:00.1 Donnel Cardenas 11 St. Joseph's by the Sea  
27 22:01.4 Sean Ahern 11 Chaminade  
28 22:12.5 Alex Kulick 11 St. John The Baptist  
29 22:20.8 Kevin Harrignton 11 Chaminade  
30 22:21.6 John Hinchcliffe 12 Chaminade  
31 22:28.1 Matthew Brown 12 Chaminade  
32 22:33.8 James O'Neill 11 Chaminade  
33 22:40.7 Kevin Garcia 11 St. John The Baptist  
34 22:42.6 Conor Callahan 12 Chaminade  
35 22:49.5 Patrick Lewis 11 St. Joseph's by the Sea  
36 22:55.3 Joe Meyer 11 St. John The Baptist  
37 22:57.6 Brian Boden 11 Chaminade  
38 23:00.4 Ryan Baist 11 St. John The Baptist  
39 23:13.5 Daniel Norton 12 Chaminade  
40 23:18.5 James Reardon 11 Chaminade  
41 23:28.0 Anthony Gambino 12 St. Joseph's by the Sea  
42 23:29.5 Joe Tetonic 11 St. John The Baptist  
43 23:31.2 Peter Sarian 11 Chaminade  
44 23:31.7 Evan McKenna 11 Chaminade  
45 23:41.5 Stephen Kaminski 11 St. John The Baptist  
46 23:47.6 John Paul Sullivan 11 Chaminade  
47 23:56.7 Nicholas St Fleur 11 Chaminade  
48 24:10.6 Ryne Mondello 11 St. Joseph's by the Sea  
49 24:17.6 Aldo Mazzaferro 11 Chaminade  
50 24:27.8 Jon Heller 11 Chaminade  
51 24:33.5 Gerard Agosta 11 Chaminade  
52 24:38.9 Brian Peguillan 11 Chaminade  
53 24:52.0 Michael Spinelli 12 St. Joseph's by the Sea  
54 24:58.7 Joseph Falanga 11 Chaminade  
55 24:59.8 Ryan Clinton 11 St. Joseph's by the Sea  
56 25:01.0 Michael Pinto 11 Chaminade  
57 25:17.1 Sean O'Neil 11 St. John The Baptist  
58 25:49.7 Michael Campione 11 St. Joseph's by the Sea  
59 26:34.9 Pat Peck 11 St. John The Baptist  
60 26:48.8 Jonathan Laureano 11 St. Joseph's by the Sea  
61 26:54.6 Carl DiFazio 12 St. Joseph's by the Sea  
62 27:06.0 Michael Archbold 11 Chaminade  
63 27:44.0 Dennis O'Mara 12 St. Joseph's by the Sea  
64 27:54.4 Daniel Matuozzi 11 Chaminade  
65 29:25.4 Anthony Mulkay 11 St. Joseph's by the Sea  

Race: Soph     Event: 5K XC

Place Time Name Grade School 
State Class: Division 1
1 18:40.9 Kenneth Walshak 11 St. Anthony  
2 18:48.7 Andrew Hayes 10 Chaminade  
3 18:51.5 Nicholas Brennan 11 St. Anthony  
4 18:59.5 Nicholas Petsky 11 Chaminade  
5 19:01.0 Conor Nickel 11 Chaminade  
6 19:03.8 Andrew James 10 Chaminade  
7 19:05.9 Stephen Smith 10 Chaminade  
8 19:18.2 Jarad Sassone-McHugh 11 St. Anthony  
9 19:22.2 Peter Kechegian 11 Chaminade  
10 19:30.4 Brandon Keany 11 St. Anthony  
11 19:38.6 Justin Rivera 11 St. John The Baptist  
12 19:47.9 Sean Burpoe 11 Chaminade  
13 20:17.2 Trevor Dunigan 11 St. John The Baptist  
14 20:19.2 Brandon Meisner 11 St. Anthony  
15 20:28.3 Christopher Dmuchowski 11 Chaminade  
16 20:36.2 Robert Pulido 11 Chaminade  
17 20:54.6 Mike O'Brien 11 St. John The Baptist  
18 20:55.9 Joseph Lawless 10 Chaminade  
19 21:01.1 Connor Grosso 11 St. John The Baptist  
20 21:06.2 Douglas Allen 10 Chaminade  
21 21:13.5 Paul Bartley 11 St. John The Baptist  
22 21:19.0 Dylan Black 11 St. Anthony  
23 21:21.0 Glen McKenna 11 Chaminade  
24 21:24.3 Ryan Funk 11 St. John The Baptist  
25 21:31.3 James Worth 10 Chaminade  
26 21:42.6 Steven DiDominica 10 Chaminade  
27 21:47.9 Jeff Laudenschlager 11 St. John The Baptist  
28 21:48.5 Matthew Murmello 11 St. Anthony  
29 22:15.3 Daniel Giaccio-Williams 11 St. Anthony  
30 22:39.1 Nicholas Sclafani 11 St. Anthony  
31 22:46.4 Ryan Gotkin 11 St. Anthony  
32 23:31.6 Kevin Sutcliffe 11 Chaminade  
33 23:40.6 Matthew Arpino 11 St. Anthony  
34 23:42.4 Bryan Gitto 10 Chaminade  
35 23:43.6 Michael McConnell 11 Chaminade  
36 24:51.7 Daniel Tierney 11 Chaminade  
37 25:12.8 Frank DeLucia 11 St. Anthony  
38 26:05.1 Mike Rizzi 11 St. Anthony  

Race: Varsity A     Event: 5K XC

Place Time Name Grade School 
State Class: Division 1
1 22:55.6 Matthew Kalinowski 11 St. Dominic  
2 23:07.5 Dario Pellegrino 11 St. Dominic  
3 23:08.1 Ted Montague 11 St. Dominic  
4 24:30.4 Tyler Grzeczka 11 St. Dominic  

Race: Varsity B     Event: 5K XC

Place Time Name Grade School 
State Class: Division 1
1 17:21.5 Christopher Tonn 12 Chaminade  
2 17:33.2 Paul Gilhuley Jr. 12 Bishop Ford  
3 17:37.5 Michael Schieck 12 Chaminade  
4 17:40.8 Charles Donnelly 12 Chaminade  
5 17:54.5 Bryan Sutherland 11 Chaminade  
6 18:06.8 Joseph Gilhuley 12 Bishop Ford  
7 18:13.5 Frankelly Fernandez 12 Bishop Ford  
8 18:14.0 Patrick O'Leary-Gullo 12 Bishop Ford  
9 18:17.9 Stephen Donnelly 12 Chaminade  
10 18:25.4 Kevin Hill 12 St. John The Baptist  
11 18:26.6 Matthew Hassett 12 Chaminade  
12 18:28.7 Mark LoGalbo 11 Chaminade  
13 19:08.9 Eric Dietsche 11 St. John The Baptist  
14 19:16.4 Michael Camenzuli 11 St. John The Baptist  
15 19:20.4 Lemuel Gardner 12 Bishop Ford  
16 19:31.1 Kevin Collins 11 Bishop Ford  
17 19:36.8 Justin Suarez 12 Bishop Ford  
18 19:45.9 Brian Hannigan 11 St. John The Baptist  
19 20:14.2 John Blackler 11 St. John The Baptist  
20 20:50.7 Rich Loeschner 11 St. John The Baptist  
21 21:12.8 Jordan Dorney 11 St. John The Baptist  

Race: Varsity D     Event: 5K XC

Place Time Name Grade School 
State Class: Division 1
1 18:37.1 Dan Zaccariello 11 St. Joseph's by the Sea  
2 18:59.3 Matthew Simeone 12 St. Joseph's by the Sea  
3 19:12.4 David Balzer 11 St. Joseph's by the Sea  
4 19:31.2 Anthony Cerciello 12 St. Joseph's by the Sea  
5 19:50.0 Michael Baio 11 St. Joseph's by the Sea  
6 20:28.4 Nicholas Italiano 11 St. Joseph's by the Sea  
7 20:31.8 Joseph Ribaudo 12 St. Joseph's by the Sea  

Race: Frosh A     Event: 1.5 Mi XC

Place Time Name Grade School 
State Class: Division 1
1 07:52.6 William Slattery 11 Chaminade  
2 07:53.1 Joseph Lunger 11 St. Anthony  
3 07:55.4 Thomas Flynn 11 St. Anthony  
4 08:04.7 Dillon Schwartz 11 Chaminade  
5 08:05.4 Marc Saracino 11 St. Anthony  
6 08:10.1 Colin Davis 11 St. Anthony  
7 08:21.0 Matthew Fortino 11 St. Anthony  
8 08:22.7 Paul Rooney 11 Chaminade  
9 08:23.2 James Krawczyk 11 St. Anthony  
10 08:27.3 George Starkia 11 Chaminade  
11 08:37.4 Nicholas Mazzucca 11 St. Anthony  
12 08:39.0 Nicholas Johnson 11 St. Anthony  
13 08:41.5 Michael Duvally 11 Chaminade  
14 08:42.0 Thomas Curran 11 Chaminade  
15 08:48.4 Casey French 11 St. Anthony  
16 08:54.1 Nicholas Kaufmann 11 St. Anthony  
17 08:54.6 Jonathan Faglione 11 Chaminade  
18 08:57.6 Michael Rizzo 11 Chaminade  
19 08:59.6 Michael Hanley 11 Chaminade  
20 09:07.3 John Atwell 11 Chaminade  
21 09:09.6 John Buonocore 11 Chaminade  
22 09:10.2 Owen Schroeder 11 Chaminade  
23 09:11.7 Robert Wallace 11 Chaminade  
24 09:12.2 Eric Haslbaeur 11 Chaminade  
25 09:16.2 Daniel Pinto 11 Chaminade  
26 09:17.0 Matthew Woop 11 Chaminade  
27 09:21.4 Connor Bush 11 Chaminade  
28 09:22.7 Eric Mattessich 11 St. Anthony  
29 09:26.1 Nicholas Lieberz 11 Chaminade  
30 09:33.7 Andrew Drogalis 11 Chaminade  
31 09:34.2 Sean Callahan 11 Chaminade  
32 09:35.0 William Ciancarelli 11 St. Anthony  
33 09:35.5 Kyle Cascio 11 St. Dominic  
34 09:37.9 Timothy Scanlon 11 St. Anthony  
35 09:39.2 Daniel Haslbauer 11 Chaminade  
36 09:39.8 Brendan Sweeney 11 St. Anthony  
37 09:41.1 Shepard Marc 11 St. Dominic  
38 09:41.7 Nicholas Kuhl 11 St. Dominic  
39 09:55.4 Mark Vaeth 11 St. Anthony  
40 09:59.2 Kevin Cruse 11 Chaminade  
41 09:59.8 Thomas Perrotta 11 Chaminade  
42 10:04.2 Matthew Bruinooge 11 St. Anthony  
43 10:10.2 John Manning 11 Chaminade  
44 10:12.1 Nicholas D'Aprile 11 St. Anthony  
45 10:15.6 Robert O'Brien 11 St. Anthony  
46 10:18.5 Daniel Ebanks 11 Chaminade  
47 10:28.9 Alexander Gaffney 11 Chaminade  
48 10:35.9 Christopher Spinosa 11 Chaminade  
49 10:41.7 Nicholas Ruscillo 11 St. Anthony  
50 10:42.3 Nicholas Diaz 11 St. Dominic  
51 10:44.7 Michael Edwards 11 St. Anthony  
52 10:49.6 Andrew Quatrale 11 St. Anthony  
53 11:04.3 Thomas Thieke 11 St. Anthony  
54 11:10.0 Stephen Falzone 11 Chaminade  
55 11:53.8 Brian Cunningham 11 Chaminade  
56 12:17.7 John Cronin 11 Chaminade  
57 12:19.1 Martin Florimon 11 Chaminade  

Race: Frosh B     Event: 1.5 Mi XC

Place Time Name Grade School 
State Class: Division 1
1 08:00.8 Joe Ray 11 St. John The Baptist  
2 08:33.2 Brandon Camenzuli 11 St. John The Baptist  
3 08:44.8 Thomas Cronk 11 St. John The Baptist  
4 08:48.2 Matt Zampariello 11 St. John The Baptist  
5 08:49.4 Christian Rojas 11 St. John The Baptist  
6 08:55.1 Kevin Holland 11 St. John The Baptist  
7 09:16.6 Kenny Klemens 11 St. John The Baptist  
8 09:17.5 Nick Parente 11 St. John The Baptist  
9 10:31.0 Matt Portnoy 11 St. John The Baptist  
10 11:04.3 Richard Wilkenson 11 St. John The Baptist  
11 12:21.9 Nolan Ambos 11 St. John The Baptist