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County Class A

Section 8 performances from schools in County Class A (show conference allignment)

Team:  Boys | Girls | Combined
Event Group:  Event: 
h = hand time (actual time shown, but we add +0.24 to determine rankings position)
# for 'coach entered' in the rankings
Wheatley HS 800 M Boys
Rank Time Name Grade School Date
1   02:16.2 h Anthony Baldasano  11 Wheatley 04/03/2024
2   02:30.7 h Ethan Goldberger  12 Seaford 04/03/2024
VS North 800 M Boys
Rank Time Name Grade School Date
1   02:12.07 Ian Tallini  11 Floral Park 05/07/2024
2   02:25.14 Jake Schettini  12 Lynbrook 05/07/2024
3   02:29.40 Aidan Michaels  10 Lynbrook 05/07/2024
Carle Place HS 800 M Boys
Rank Time Name Grade School Date
1   02:34.8 h Thaddeus Bhagan  9 Wheatley 05/02/2024
CS Harbor HS 800 M Boys
Rank Time Name Grade School Date
1   02:08.76 Brady McGowan  12 Seaford 04/20/2024
2   02:09.6 h Omek Kumar  12 Oyster Bay 04/16/2024
3   02:16.45 James Wattie  10 Island Trees 04/20/2024
4   02:17.84 Joseph Maderich  11 Plainedge 04/20/2024
5   02:29.95 Kieran Lynch  12 East Rockaway 04/20/2024
6   02:33.55 Paul Valentin  10 Seaford 04/20/2024
7   03:01.0 h jephthe cesar  9 Malverne 04/16/2024
East Meadow 800 M Boys
Rank Time Name Grade School Date
1   02:20.39 Anthony Sanchez  11 Clarke 04/22/2024
2   02:20.62 Nicholas Lindo  12 Clarke 04/22/2024
3   02:38.53 Nathaniel Chandra  10 Mineola 04/22/2024
Floral Park HS 800 M Boys
Rank Time Name Grade School Date
1   02:47.3 h Christian Tumanda  11 Floral Park 03/25/2024
Hewlett HS 800 M Boys
Rank Time Name Grade School Date
1   02:05.90 Ian Frazer  10 Wantagh 05/18/2024
2   02:21.05 Brady Wolken  10 Wantagh 05/18/2024
3   02:31.63 Andrew Morgan  9 Mineola 05/18/2024
Island Trees HS 800 M Boys
Rank Time Name Grade School Date
1   02:03.4 h Alex Santos-Acosta  12 West Hemp 04/16/2024
2   02:28.0 h Joseph Santos-Acosta  8 West Hemp 04/16/2024
3   02:32.6 h Felix Lin  10 Wheatley 04/16/2024
4   02:48.5 h Jordan Fitoussi  11 Wheatley 04/16/2024
5   02:54.0 h Jason Goldstein  10 Island Trees 04/16/2024
Locust Valley HS 800 M Boys
Rank Time Name Grade School Date
1   02:20.4 h Caleb Gomez-Agudelo  9 Clarke 04/16/2024
2   02:24.6 h Jake Park  10 North Shore 04/16/2024
3   02:41.4 h Antonio Fernandes  12 Clarke 04/16/2024
Lynbrook HS 800 M Boys
Rank Time Name Grade School Date
1   02:07.0 h Steven Ventricelli  12 Plainedge 04/15/2024
2   02:22.4 h Jaime Pereira  10 Lynbrook 04/15/2024
Massapequa HS 800 M Boys
Rank Time Name Grade School Date
1   02:06.28 Kevin Lynch  12 East Rockaway 06/03/2024
2   02:21.97 Jacob Soriano  11 Clarke 06/03/2024
3   02:25.44 Liam Stump  12 Clarke 06/03/2024
4   03:00.10 Brody Meyers  9 Wantagh 05/10/2024
North Shore HS 800 M Boys
Rank Time Name Grade School Date
1   02:01.55 Maxwell Krapf  11 Floral Park 05/24/2024
2   02:02.21 Nicholas Ramalhete  12 Wheatley 05/24/2024
3   02:06.28 James Salvato  11 Oyster Bay 05/24/2024
4   02:10.28 Charlie Wood  12 CSH 05/24/2024
5   02:11.92 Jacob D'Amico  10 Wantagh 05/24/2024
6   02:15.88 Joshua Castro-Lemus  11 VS South 05/24/2024
7   02:17.19 Sean Moschella  11 CSH 05/24/2024
8   02:17.68 Landon Brown  10 North Shore 04/06/2024
9   02:19.10 Sean Hart  10 Wantagh 05/24/2024
10   02:19.40 Nicholas Robertson  12 Floral Park 05/24/2024
11   02:19.55 Angel Cardona  10 Clarke 05/24/2024
12   02:21.08 Nicholas Morgan  12 Mineola 05/24/2024
13   02:25.18 Noah Jones  9 Malverne 04/06/2024
14   02:26.0 h Francisco Pedernera  11 North Shore 05/02/2024
15   02:27.6 h Ryan Berasti  10 Carle Place 03/26/2024
16   02:28.0 h Liam Brady  12 North Shore 05/02/2024
17   02:48.8 h Landon Jones  9 VS South 05/02/2024
18   02:58.6 h Ethan Singh  9 VS South 05/02/2024
Oceanside HS 800 M Boys
Rank Time Name Grade School Date
1   02:21.25 Favian Thomas-Mohamed  11 VS South 04/26/2024
2   02:41.29 David Jaramillo  10 VS South 04/26/2024
Oyster Bay HS 800 M Boys
Rank Time Name Grade School Date
1   02:04.4 h Robby Levy  12 North Shore 04/09/2024
2   02:23.3 h David Ortuno  10 Oyster Bay 03/26/2024
3   02:27.3 h Cristopher Herrera  10 Oyster Bay 03/26/2024
4   02:28.9 h Ian Perez  12 Lawrence 04/09/2024
5   02:32.2 h Dan Godoy  11 Lawrence 04/09/2024
6   02:33.0 h Sebastian Lindo  11 Clarke 03/26/2024
Port Washington 800 M Boys
Rank Time Name Grade School Date
1   02:01.47 Christopher Tardugno  12 Oyster Bay 04/27/2024
Syosset HS 800 M Boys
Rank Time Name Grade School Date
1   02:01.26 Deven Bernardin  12 VS South 05/30/2024
2   02:01.77 Ryan Melkun  11 Clarke 05/30/2024
3   02:12.22 Cargil Bernard  12 VS South 05/30/2024
VS South 800 M Boys
Rank Time Name Grade School Date
1   03:05.3 h Jayden Munn  10 Wantagh 04/03/2024
Commack HS 800 M Boys
Rank Time Name Grade School Date
1   02:23.14 Lukas Santana  11 West Hemp 04/20/2024
Seaford HS 800 M Boys
Rank Time Name Grade School Date
1   02:01.06 Aaron Rivera  12 Island Trees 05/06/2024
2   02:03.52 Myles Munro  11 Seaford 05/06/2024
3   02:06.75 Owen Stachlik  11 Wantagh 05/06/2024
4   02:11.20 Constantine Pozapalidis  11 Clarke 05/06/2024
5   02:11.86 Ethan Chen  10 Wantagh 05/06/2024
6   02:14.91 Javon McGowan  10 Malverne 05/06/2024
7   02:16.86 Brian Kraupner  11 North Shore 05/06/2024
8   02:26.48 Robert DeRose  11 Clarke 05/06/2024
9   02:27.14 Emmanuel Gaillard  10 VS South 05/06/2024
10   02:29.12 Patrick Leahy  12 Seaford 05/06/2024
11   02:30.35 Tyler Cavaliere  10 Island Trees 05/06/2024
12   03:17.3 h Andrew Konik  10 Seaford 04/09/2024
13   03:18.0 h Matt Brown  9 Seaford 04/09/2024
Clarke 800 M Boys
Rank Time Name Grade School Date
1   02:09.5 h Noah Saenz  10 Clarke 05/02/2024
2   02:14.4 h Charlie Wood  12 CSH 04/09/2024
3   02:15.6 h Alex Lombardo  10 CSH 04/09/2024
4   02:22.5 h Ishaan Kumar  12 VS South 04/09/2024
5   02:41.3 h Jason Newbert  9 Wantagh 05/02/2024
6   02:41.6 h Luca Pecora  10 Wantagh 05/02/2024
7   02:43.2 h James Monzon  9 Lawrence 05/02/2024
8   02:52.0 h Dominic Murawski  12 Clarke 05/02/2024
9   03:03.8 h Nicholas Deebrah  9 VS South 04/09/2024
10   03:14.1 h Ethan Mei  10 Wantagh 05/02/2024
East Rockaway 800 M Boys
Rank Time Name Grade School Date
1   02:29.0 h Jacob Suchit  9 Malverne 03/26/2024
2   02:35.9 h Robert Stronge  11 Wheatley 03/26/2024
3   03:01.1 h Atticus Gamache  9 East Rockaway 03/26/2024
West Hemp 800 M Boys
Rank Time Name Grade School Date
1   02:03.30 Jeremy Haynes  11 West Hemp 05/06/2024
2   02:11.8 h Diego Gomez  12 West Hemp 05/02/2024
3   02:15.2 h Justin Delavandel  11 West Hemp 03/26/2024
4   02:25.9 h Ali Zaim  12 West Hemp 05/02/2024
5   02:30.0 h Ethan Arahovites  9 Seaford 03/26/2024
6   02:31.4 h Corell Chance  9 VS South 03/26/2024
7   02:37.0 h Jimmy Wu  10 Seaford 03/26/2024
8   02:37.5 h Aiden Leal  10 VS South 03/26/2024
9   02:38.1 h Christopher Calderon  10 VS South 03/26/2024
10   02:38.96 Henry Ortiz  10 West Hemp 05/06/2024
11   02:49.47 John Hartnett  11 Locust Valley 05/06/2024
12   02:51.80 Timothy Poland  11 East Rockaway 05/06/2024
13   02:53.43 Joseph Losito  12 Carle Place 05/06/2024
14   03:05.53 Aidan Kang  12 Carle Place 05/06/2024
15   03:32.00 Carlitos Soriano  10 East Rockaway 05/06/2024
16   03:35.73 Michael Paladino  10 Carle Place 05/06/2024
17   03:48.77 Matt Borruso  12 Locust Valley 05/06/2024