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County Class A

Section 8 performances from schools in County Class A (show conference allignment)

Team:  Boys | Girls
Event Group:  Event: 
h = hand time (actual time shown, but we add +0.24 to determine rankings position)
# for 'coach entered' in the rankings
Sprint Medley Top Boys
1   03:46.11 Clarke
2   03:48.91 Wheatley
3   03:53.61 West Hemp
4   03:56.12 VS South
5   04:00.37 Wantagh
6   04:02.30 Oyster Bay
7   04:13.02 East Rockaway
Sprint Medley Top Boys
1   03:41.77 Friends Academy
2   03:45.76 Clarke
3   03:51.11 West Hemp
4   04:02.45 Wheatley
5   04:06.49 Wantagh
6   04:13.08 East Rockaway
7   04:15.51 Malverne
8   04:19.20 Island Trees
9   04:39.10 VS South
10   04:43.10 Seaford