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Isabelle Poptean
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Winter Track Seasons Best        Try Our Rankings Time Machine



55 M 

55 HH 

Winter Track 15/16    07.99 09.05

Spring Track Seasons Best



100 HH 

Spring Track 2016    16.26

Prior Season Cross Country Results

Event Time Place Meet Date

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Prior Season Winter Track Results

Event Time Place Meet Date
15/16 Results
55 HH 09.21   6 CHSAA Intersectional Championships, New York, NY 02/13/16
55 HH 09.23   6 CHSAA Intersectional Championships, New York, NY 02/13/16
55 HH 09.05  PR 5 CHSAA NY/BQ Sectionals, New York, NY 01/31/16
55 HH 09.19   5 CHSAA NY/BQ Sectionals, New York, NY 01/31/16
55 HH 09.14   13 Molloy Stanner Games, Armory 01/16/16
55 M 07.99  PR 42 Ocean Breeze Freedom Games, Staten Island, NY 01/09/16
55 HH 09.61   36 Bishop Loughlin Games, Staten Island, NY 12/19/15

Prior Season Spring Track Results

Event Time Place Meet Date
2016 Results
100 HH 16.91   4 NY and BQ CHSAA Sectional Championships, Icahn Stadium 05/18/16
100 HH 16.26  PR 3 NY and BQ CHSAA Sectional Championships, Icahn Stadium 05/18/16
100 HH 17.92   15 New York Relays, Icahn Stadium 04/16/16