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New Hyde Park HS
Team Home | Performances | Meet summary | Roster
Coaching staff
   TJ Burke (Athletic Director)
Rankings for the Cross Country 2024 Season
Team:  Boys | Girls | Combined
Event Group:  Event: 
h = hand time (actual time shown, but we add +0.24 to determine rankings position)
# for 'coach entered' in the rankings
Girls 100 M 
15.3 h Safiya Hamdani 
17.28 Chesna Chummar 
13.8 h Deborah Aderibigbe 
14.58 Ruby Cepeda 
16.1 h Kailey Chan 
14.24 Simran Luckas 
15.4 h Maria Denil 
15.8 h Janeiry Savinon 
16.60 Anisha Chakroboty 
16.36 Teajal Ramdarie 
17.0 h Surina Rathod 
Girls 100 HH 
20.18 Kailey Chan 
19.21 Sharon Xiao 
Girls 200 M 
30.02 Betzy Salmeron 
32.08 Vallerya Rojas 
32.15 Safiya Hamdani 
37.28 Chesna Chummar 
30.08 Ruby Cepeda 
31.9 h Deborah Aderibigbe 
33.8 h Kailey Chan 
35.97 Evyn Roliz 
38.5 h Janvi Acharya 
29.31 Sharon Xiao 
29.54 Simran Luckas 
31.58 Lindsay Kim 
31.82 Maria Denil 
33.02 Janeiry Savinon 
36.32 Anisha Chakroboty 
37.3 h Angela Vlavianos 
38.3 h Andrea Ross Pineda 
33.4 h Teajal Ramdarie 
35.5 h Surina Rathod 
39.62 Varsha Pillai 
New Hyde Park - Team Schedule
Boys Spring Track 2024 Team Schedule (Show Girls Spring Track 2024 Team Schedule)
Data is not yet available for Spring Track 2024!
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