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Cold Spring Harbor HS
Team Home | Performances | Meet summary | Roster
Coaching staff
   Mike Bongino (Athletic Director)
Frosh/Soph Meet North Shore
Date: Thursday, April 18, 2024   Location: Plainview HS

(Results for CSH only [Click here for full meet results])
Team:  Boys | Girls
Event Group: 
Comparison of all finishers for this meet
100 M Top Boys Spring Track 2024
No. Time Athlete  
1 16.8 h J Ascencio  
100 M Top Boys Spring Track 2023
No. Time Athlete  
1 12.5 h P Munyak  
2 15.8 h E Reyes  
110 HH Top Boys Spring Track 2024
No. Time Athlete  
1 20.6 h A Wenk  
110 HH Top Boys Spring Track 2023
No. Time Athlete  
1600 M Top Boys Spring Track 2024
No. Time Athlete  
No data available!
1600 M Top Boys Spring Track 2023
No. Time Athlete