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Plainedge HS
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   T.J. Burke (Athletic Director)
Rankings for the Cross Country 2024 Season
Team:  Boys | Girls
Event Group:  Event: 
h = hand time (actual time shown, but we add +0.24 to determine rankings position)
# for 'coach entered' in the rankings
100 M Top Boys
1   11.49 Tyler Lui
2   11.68 Ryan Scarry
3   11.7 h Josh Lee
4   12.3 h Joel-Luke Cato
5   12.5 h Austin Leest
6   12.6 h Robert Roche
7   12.6 h Jaxson Tuschong
8   12.9 h Dimitri Mouzakitis
9   13.3 h Daniel Lee
10   13.46 Justin Alzate
11   14.23 Sonny Salem
12   14.39 John Alesso
13   14.55 Anthony D'Amico
14   16.10 Aiden Mulvey
15   16.95 Ryan Coalter
16   20.22 Liam Anderson
100 M Top Boys
1   11.9 h Tyler Lui
2   11.93 Ryan Scarry
3   12.2 h Josh Lee
4   12.5 h Joel-Luke Cato
5   12.80 Vincent Cito
6   13.4 h Sonny Salem
7   13.7 h Robert Roche
8   14.1 h Alexandros Galatatzis
9   14.1 h Dimitri Mouzakitis
110 HH Top Boys
1   15.36 Ryan Scarry
110 HH Top Boys
1   16.6 h Ryan Scarry
2   20.1 h Joseph Rozzo
3   21.7 h Joe Rozzo
200 M Top Boys
1   25.0 h Tyler Lui
2   25.72 Matthew Oh
3   25.8 h Joel-Luke Cato
4   26.5 h Jared Reiter
5   27.0 h Sonny Salem
6   27.1 h Dimitri Mouzakitis
7   28.0 h Nicholas Palazzo
8   28.4 h Robert Roche
9   28.6 h Daniel Lee
10   28.9 h Anthony D''Amico
11   29.77 Anthony D'Amico
12   31.04 Aiden Mulvey
200 M Top Boys
1   25.5 h Josh Lee
2   25.8 h Thomas Esposito
3   26.3 h Tyler Lui
4   26.3 h Joel-Luke Cato
5   27.3 h Sonny Salem
6   27.7 h Robert Roche
7   28.9 h Dimitri Mouzakitis
8   29.6 h Alexandros Galatatzis
9   29.7 h Matthew Oh
Plainedge - Team Schedule
Boys Spring Track 2024 Team Schedule (Show Girls Spring Track 2024 Team Schedule)
Data is not yet available for Spring Track 2024!
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