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Plainview Kennedy HS
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   Joe Braico (Athletic Director)
Rankings for the Cross Country 2024 Season
Team:  Boys | Girls
Event Group:  Event: 
h = hand time (actual time shown, but we add +0.24 to determine rankings position)
# for 'coach entered' in the rankings
100 M Top Boys
1   11.40 Ryan Katz
2   12.00 Matthew Halpin
3   12.20 Brian Choi
4   12.3 h Ethan Eliasi
5   12.37 Argyri Kefalas
6   12.40 Derek Herzog
7   12.6 h Jake Knee
8   12.7 h Eric Stolack
9   12.8 h Joshua Pasternak
10   13.2 h Matteo Weiss
11   13.3 h Lev Greenberg
12   13.3 h Eric Stolack
13   13.5 h Valsamis Papadatos
14   13.6 h David Xu
15   13.7 h Jovi Ni
16   13.7 h Garrett Landler
17   13.8 h Rujun Li
18   13.8 h Jordan Dais
19   13.9 h Steven Liu
20   14.1 h Anson Huang
21   14.2 h Matthew Cao
22   14.8 h Matthew Bodeker
23   15.2 h Jake Smith
24   15.6 h Lucas Zhou
25   16.2 h Aryan Singh
26   19.4 h Ashton Levenstein
100 M Top Boys
1   11.4 h Ryan Katz
2   11.5 h Cooper Kelly
3   11.6 h Tom Rozen
4   11.6 h Noah Waldman
5   11.7 h Jeremy Hakimi
6   11.8 h Jaron Plotkin
7   11.8 h David Levin
8   12.0 h Jonathan Tom
9   12.1 h Matthew Robinson
10   12.3 h Brian Choi
11   12.4 h Sunny Vig
12   12.4 h Argyri Kefalas
13   12.5 h Ethan Eliasi
14   12.5 h Joshua Pasternak
15   12.6 h Mathew Halpin
16   12.7 h Derek Herzog
17   12.9 h Derek Herzog
18   13.0 h Mason Kusinitz
19   13.2 h Ryan Menzildjian
20   13.3 h Lev Greenberg
21   13.5 h Max Marcus
22   13.5 h Brandon Schubert
23   13.5 h Brandon Birk
24   13.7 h Zachary Menkes
25   14.1 h Morgan Beitler
26   14.1 h Matteo Weiss
110 HH Top Boys
1   21.54 David Levin
2   24.0 h Lev Greenberg
110 HH Top Boys
1   17.06 Tom Rozen
2   20.8 h Aadi Shah
3   21.2 h Matthew Robinson
4   24.3 h Lev Greenberg
200 M Top Boys
1   23.68 Noah Waldman
2   23.90 Ryan Katz
3   25.4 h Argyri Kefalas
4   25.80 Matthew Halpin
5   26.10 Ethan Eliasi
6   27.2 h Joshua Pasternak
7   28.00 Matteo Weiss
8   28.3 h David Xu
9   29.8 h Jordan Dais
10   33.1 h Jake Smith
200 M Top Boys
1   23.0 h Noah Waldman
2   24.3 h Jeremy Hakimi
3   24.3 h David Levin
4   24.4 h Jonathan Tom
5   24.7 h Ryan Katz
6   26.1 h Brian Choi
7   26.2 h Mathew Halpin
8   27.0 h Ryan Menzildjian
9   27.2 h Argyri Kefalas
10   27.9 h Ethan Eliasi
11   28.6 h Brandon Birk
12   28.9 h Mason Kusinitz
Plainview Kennedy - Team Schedule
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