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The Trackconference.com Project
Trackconference.com allows XC/Track & Field leagues and teams share information with athletes, coaches, fans and alumni.

The site is a work-in-progress and is continuing to evolve. We want it to be a complete, permanent record of meet performances of all cross country and track and field athletes in the league. Interactive reports let you view performance summaries for each athlete, each school and each meet throughout the season.

Collecting Data
Long term, our goal to make this a "community based site" where much of the content, management and improvement are made by many people.  Interested volunteers can help with many different ways.  Some examples are:

  • Quality control of published performances
  • Finding and reporting missing performances that are published elsewhere on the web
  • Identifying, discussing and planning priorities for new site functionality
  • Managing or contributing to a new photo archive
  • Maybe helping with commentary or editorial about performances or upcoming meets
  • … or any other items that come up.

For now, take a look and let us know what you think. Email us at track_admin@spondev.com


Who We Are
Initial development of the TrackConference project and this website is sponsored through contributions by Charles Bindert and Spontaneous Development.